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The Road to Burbank

Episode Name/Number:  The Road to Burbank (Episode 6.8)

Original Air Date:  January 13, 1981

Summary:  The boys and girls are about to get charged with a crazy-expensive (at least by 1960’s standards…) hotel damage bill from their trip west, leading to the boys and girls each recounting their own version of that wild night. Who is telling the truth? We’ll leave that up to you… and to a law student working at Cowbody Bill’s… to decide.


Guest Stars:  Larry Gelmen as Chuck Malone

Best Quote:  "Ah, sleep. Nature’s way of saying… lie down." -Lenny

Most Touching Moment/Quote:  Everyone pitching in to help pay for the ruined hotel room.

Funniest Moment:  Laverne drawing Lenny out of the bathroom with a toilet plunger.

Squiggy Hello:  None

Featured Songs:  Carmine’s singing telegram for Frank & Edna’s anniversary

Strangest Moment:  Laverne & Shirley coming on to Lenny & Squiggy in the less-than-truthful version of events, complete with hand-biting - "Oh, Shirl, this is a dream come true. An entire night with Lenny in a dark, sleazy motel room!" -Laverne

Best Insult:  "I have to get ready for my dates." -Rhonda  "Dates?" -Shirley  "You know, a man picks you up, spends money on you? You must have seen this on television…" -Rhonda

Saddest Moment:  Edna telling the guys that women want to be treated like human beings.

Fun Tidbit: Lenny possesses some pretty awesome Bullwinkle pajamas.

Episode in One Ridiculous Picture:













Star Rating:  3.5/5

Verdict:  A decent California episode, though seeing the guys’ essentially lunge at the girls in a motel room until they literally fight them off is slightly off-putting. However, we did get plenty of one-liners to make this a memorable adventure ("Fredericks of Hollywood negligence!"; "Champagne? Why, that’s the devil’s vodka!")


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