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Quote Me!

Penny  Marshall and Cindy Williams as Laverne and Shirley.

A few years ago, I wanted to start a collection of some of the great Laverne & Shirley quotations from over the seasons - funny quips, Lenny & Squiggy hellos, great one-liners, etc. Instead of housing them all directly on a website, I decided to work on building out the Laverne & Shirley Wikiquote page (think Wikipedia, but just for quotes), which was looking pretty bare bones. Wikiquote is a community site for posting favorite quotations from TV shows, movies, etc., so I thought it would be a great place to post all the quotations I jotted down after watching episodes. Since it is a community site, anyone can edit it - feel free to add in  your favorite lines from a particular episode! I'm continuing to work on building the page out further with even more quotations, but in the meantime, feel free to check out what has been posted so far! 

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