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Episode Name/Number:  Playing Hooky  (Episode 2.13)

Original Air Date:  January 11, 1977

Summary:  The girls decide to play hooky from work, but end up meeting two men who think Laverne & Shirley are after a bit more than just a fun day at the park.​



Guest Stars:  Archie Hahn as Bob and Vic Holchak as Ernie

Best Quote: "We’ve been lured, Shirl!" -Laverne "Lure-er!' -Shirley, to the men

Most Touching Moment/Quote:  Laverne asking her Pop if Mrs. Marzetti is going to be her new mommy.

Funniest Moment: Laverne attempting to help Shirley down off the monkey bars in the park.

Squiggy Hello:  "I must come up with a short disease. Something horrible. Something awful. Something absolutely wretched." - Shirley  "Hello!" -Squiggy

Featured Songs:  "Wonderful, Wonderful" by Johnny Mathis

"Mona Lisa" by Nat King Cole

Strangest Moment:  Frank preparing his "moves" for wooing Mrs. Marzetti.

Best Insult:  "Leave me alone, or else I’ll call my mother, you big horse!" -Playground girl to Laverne

Saddest Moment:  Shirley pouting about the guys thinking they’re "loosey goosey for money."

Fun Tidbit: Laverne & Shirley keep their money in the bible. Ezekial 26.

Episode in One Ridiculous Picture:














Star Rating:  4/5

Verdict:  A fun-filled day in the part with fudg-icles and are-they-or-aren’t-they-prostitute hijinks.

Playing Hooky
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