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Episode Name/Number:  Excuse Me, May I Cut In?  (Episode 2.4)

Original Air Date:  October 26, 1976

Summary:  Laverne and Shirley set out to win a new television set by partnering with Potsie and Richie in their high school dance contest.


Guest Stars:  Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham; Anson Williams as Potsie Weber
Best Quote:  "What would you have to do if we wanted a color TV?" -Laverne  "We don't do those things." -Shirley
Most Touching Moment/Quote:  Shirley talking to Laverne about how she felt that they used Richie and Potsie for their own gains.
Funniest Moment:  The dance routine between Laverne & Richie ("Dig to China, Dig to China...")
Squiggy Hello:  None
Featured Songs:  Richie singing "Blueberry Hill" - always classic.
Strangest Moment:  Carmine bragging about being the MC of the Jefferson High School dance contest (No offense, BUT... is this really what your career has come to, Carmine?)
Best Insult:  "Who’s this? One of the teachers?" -Debra Lee (Potsie’s old date), to Laverne
Saddest Moment:  Richie explaining why it was that Laverne and Shirley went out with them that evening (basically, just to win a television set).
Fun Tidbit: The girls’ favorite programs are Seahunt, Oh Susanna, and Twilight Zone.

Episode in One Ridiculous Picture:


Star Rating:  4/5
Verdict:  I'm a sucker for Happy Days crossovers, and this one is as good as any. Shirley/Richie prove to be quite a cute pairing... though I'm surprised he didn't mentioned that she completely lost her accent in the eleven and a half months since their first date. 

Excuse Me, May I Cut In?

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